Saturday, May 10, 2014

Springtime Activities

This spring has been a whole lot of busy, ordinary days, just our family living life. How we do it best :)

The chicks have grown in to these incredibly crazy adolescents. And they now how this wonderful portable house that my husband designed and made. It's lightweight so I can easily move it around the yard, yet keeps them protected from predators. We have lost so many chickens to foxes and possums and I'm doing my best to keep this batch safe. (Most of our casualties have been when I've forgotten to close the big chicken house door at night and something sneaks in in the early morning hours and gets them.) Makes me think of THIS SONG ! 

My little guy has started playing T-ball. It's so fun to watch him learning the basics, like the first game when he ran the bases backwards! And he's so cute in his uniform!

And speaking of baseball, what a fun way to spend the evening with family! I had never been to a game before and was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. We just sit on the grass by third base, it's cheaper and the kids can run around and not get bored. Go Hoos!

Here is another exciting development in our backyard progress, we planted grass!

I am such a slave driver. He was. so. tired. couldn't. spread. anymore. straw! 

Our Henny Penny "helped" with the grass seeds until we penned her up.

And here it is now, still patchy but green! I am thrilled to have grass again! I just hope we can keep it going this summer.

Thanks for reading, time to get ready for a T-ball game with some yard sale-ing mixed in! (hopefully)

We are hoping for some rain today to help our grass and lower the pollen count. We're all at different stages of sore throats, coughing, congestion around here. 

TTFN (Ta ta for now)

-Tigger quote :)

1 comment:

  1. I love the portable chicken house!!! :) We have 11 right now and are getting 8-10 eggs a day. WONDERFUL! We love to share ours with friends. That is a great idea though. We tilled up a nice plot of yard to start our garden yesterday. Excited to do that this year too.
