Monday, March 7, 2011

Forcing Forsythias

This is an easy way to bring some spring into your home!

Cut some branches with flower buds on them.  Slice about an inch into the bottom of each branch to help them absorb more water.

You can add about a teaspoon of bleach to the water if you like, I didn't this time.

Place a clear plastic bag over the branches to create sort of a green house effect. It holds in the humidity from the water.

Then, just find an out of the way place to put it, out of direct sunlight and wait for the blooms!

This only took a few days so next year I will start even sooner.

I'm loving all the little hints of spring that I am finding around the yard and it is so much fun to start bringing blooms inside!

I took these pictures out on the back porch because the lighting was so much better.

I love my porches but they do cut down on the natural light inside my house.

I've heard that crabapple branches can also be forced, I may try that next.


  1. Wow! So pretty! I definafnly want to try that!

  2. My MIL has done that before. I might have to cut some for myself from her bush!!

  3. I wonder it that could be done with orange blossoms. Ill have to try that next year.
    Yeaa, I can post to your blog now.
